Character Locator
Play More. Wait Less.
Instructions / FAQ
Drag-n-Drop Touring Plans

We highly recommend that you try one of our pre-built KtP Plans and adjust it to suit your needs. However, if you are experienced at touring WDW parks and would like to design your own plan from scratch, simply click the button below and get started. If you choose to build your own plan, your attractions will not be placed in any specific order for you, you will need to arrange them after making your selections.

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My Touring Plans

Shared Plans

My Plan History (Click to Expand)

KtP's Touring Plans

Magic Kingdom    
MK (Frontierland with Fantasyland)

MK with Early Entry (Fantasyland and Tomorrowland)

MK: Late Arrival Plan

MK: Rides ONLY for Little Children

EP: Late Arrival Plan

EP: Early Entry

EP: Holidays Storyellers

Epcot Requirements

Hollywood Studios    
HS: Early Entry Plan

Animal Kingdom    
AK with Early Entry

AK: Late arrival plan

MK Halloween Party    

MNSSHP: Adventure Plan

MNSSHP: Fantasy Plan

MK Christmas Party    
KtP's EXTREME Christmas Party Character Plan

MVMCP Top 10

MVMCP: Focus on Rides

DL: Rides only for Little Chidren

California Adventure    
DCA: Thrill Seekers

Park Hopping    
21 Restful Attractions Tour

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Happy Character Locating!